martes, 10 de julio de 2007

The Big Frustration
The deep frustration in which the Islamic world is supporting nowadays is a direct consequence of the insteability and the dople sense treatment of its internal affairs and its external relations with west
Starting with the big NO o the Turkish approach to the EU full member due to its Muslim majority,passing by the French non admissions of its bad recorded Colonealism in Algeria,the non justified American intervention in Iraq,Afganistan and futures interventions in Iran,Syria,Sudan etc… awarding antimuslims actions as the Cartoons against Profet Muhammad in Denmark,awarding Salman Rushdie in Britain and many offenseve acts without the minimum consideration or apologize is a continuous violance provocations to the Muslim world
Forgetting may be that the third part of our human population is muslim and the real defense of the Muslim world is the masive convertion to Islam mainly by western intelectuals and high positioned members in christian society due to curiosity to know about Islam due to hostility
This view contrasted with the poor starvated muslim persons who converted to christianity seeking food and better promised lifes doing so
The conversion to Islam in western countries mainly silent and non declared so no accurate staistics done or can be done but is evident
So aggression or provocations against Muslims created more silent sympathy than the notorious or declared hate
Anyway the question is till when this wrong campain well still ahead
The pacific convivence exsted before the end of the cold war is desappearing due to the reemplacement of the cold war against comunism to a new cold war against Islam in such erronious campain with no benefits exept for Weapons producers and Oil field direct control as mainly is in Islamic areas
We think that peace is more healthy and wealthy to our human existence
And planet resuscitations as our fisical and human intoxication and contamination fisically and socially is in its critical levels
Hope in peaceful human and planetarian coexistence and more comprehention for our best all

In peace
JULY 10 2007


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